
JH602-300/75 remote photoelectric search and tracking system Remote Photoelectric Search and Tracking System

Aircraft, ships, vehicles Applications

Detection, identification, discrimination; Product Features

Azimuth:≥50°/s;Pitch:≥50°i s Technical specifications

Shipboard photoelectric search and tracking systemOnboard photoelectric search and tracking system

Aircraft, ships, vehicles Applications

Day and night observation Product Features

Thermal imaging camera indicators, Technical specifications

Small robotic photoelectric scouting ball Small robotic optoelectronic reconnaissance sphere

Small robot Applications

(Auto/Manual) function; Product Features

Detection, identification, discrimination Technical specifications

Small unmanned ship optoelectronic podsJHP107-M145&

Helicopter, UAV, unmanned airship Applications

Search, observe, track Product Features

10x continuous zoom HD 1080p Technical specifications

On-board three-light tracking systemTHS223-S02-30

Military collar and civilian areas such as public security, vigilance and maritime Applications

Fast search and detection, identification Product Features

- Technical specifications

On-board three-light search and tracking system JHS219-S05-100

Flying machine, ship Applications

Search, observation Product Features

80mm uncooled thermal imaging camera Technical specifications

JHP103-M145C small single light ball machineJHS219-S05-100

Flying machine, ship, vehicle Applications

Manual/automatic locking and tracking Product Features

Search, observation Technical specifications

Infrared photoelectric system Infrared Photoelectric System

Camera Applications

Day and night observation Product Features

Infrared thermal imaging camera Technical specifications

Onboard tracking systemsJHS602-15030

Public security, marine police Applications

Search, observation Product Features

360° observation SDI high-definition image transmission Technical specifications

JH150 mini optoelectronic systemJH150 Compact optoelectronic system

Camera Applications

Search, observation, tracking Product Features

2 axes and 2 frames Technical specifications

JH180 shipboard optoelectronic systemJH180 shipboard optoelectronic system

Aircraft, ships, vehicles Applications

Detection, identification, discrimination; Product Features

-20°~ +90° Technical specifications

JH240 photoelectric systemJH240 photoelectric system

On small and medium-sized ship carriers Applications

Observation, search and tracking Product Features

Rotation range: orientation: 360° continuous rotation pitch: -90°~ +90° Technical specifications

JH260 photoelectric rotary tableJH260 optoelectronic turntable

Public security, vigilance Applications

Search, observation Product Features

- Technical specifications

JH280 photoelectric detection equipmentJH280 photoelectric detection equipment

On small and medium-sized ship carriers Applications

Search and observation Product Features

- Technical specifications

JH280 photoelectric systemJH280 photoelectric system

Public security, vigilance Applications

Tracking Product Features

+90°~ +60° Technical specifications

JH602-1100/110 ultra-long-range photoelectric search and tracking systemJH602-1100/110 ultra-long-range photoelectric search and tracking system

Aircraft, ships, vehicles Applications

Detection, identification, discrimination; Product Features

≤0.15mrad(10) Technical specifications

JH320-150/75 border and sea defense alert intelligent photoelectric systemJH320-150/75 border and sea defense guard intelligent photoelectric system

Aircraft, ships, vehicles Applications

Day mode and night mode Product Features

- Technical specifications

Shipboard photoelectric infrared search and tracking systemShipboard photoelectric infrared search and tracking system

Navy, police, marine police Applications

Video tracking function. Product Features

- Technical specifications

On-board tri-optical servo stabilized image podsAirborne three-light servo-stabilized image pods

Aircraft, ships, vehicles Applications

Search, stable observation, targeting control Features

UAV Dual Light PodsUAV dual-light pod

Helicopter, drone, unmanned airship Applications

Small size and light weight Features

650g tri-light tri-axis UAV pod 650g tri-light tri-axis UAV pod

Helicopters, UAVs, unmanned airships Applications

Small size and light weight Features

600g tri-light tri-axis UAV pod600g tri-light tri-axis UAV pod

Helicopters, drones, unmanned aerial vehicles Applications

Small size and light weight Features

Multi-spectral pods on board medical search and rescue drones Medical Search and Rescue UAV-Borne Multispectral Pod

Target identification and tracking Applications

Detection, identification and confirmation Features

Small single-light UAV pods Small single-light UAV pods

Small unmanned ships Applications

Small size and light weight Features

Airborne Dual Light PodsAirborne dual-light pods

Small aircraft, drones Applications

Small size and light weight Features

JHP307-1-M200A1 UAV infrared photoelectric system JHP307-1-M200A1 UAV infrared photoelectric system

Military, public security, coastal surveillance Applications

Fully sealed high water level waterproof Features

JHP317-1-M350A1 photoelectric search and tracking systemJHP317-1-M350A1 photoelectric search and tracking system

Military field Applications

Manual target tracking Features

Photovoltaic podsPhotoelectric pods

Public Security, Vigilance, and Maritime Applications

Small size and light weight Features

JH120 three-axis three-light podJH120 three-axis tri-optical pod

Military and civilian Applications

Ultra-small size, ultra-low power consumption Features

JH180 photoelectric podsJH180 photoelectric pod

Helicopter, UAV, and unmanned airship Applications

Observation, search, identification, tracking, etc. Features

JH220 Photoelectric podsJH220 photoelectric pod

Public security, vigilance Applications

Search, observation Features

JH240 photoelectric podJH240 photoelectric pod

Search and rescue drones Applications

Small size, light weight Features

JH430 photoelectric podsJH430 photoelectric pod

Large UAV Applications

Small size and light weight Features

D380 small electro-optical podsD380 small optoelectronic pod

Urban firefighting, emergency disaster relief Applications

Tracking: automatic tracking; Features

Vehicle mounted photoelectric search and tracking systemVehicle-mounted photoelectric search and tracking system

Aircraft, ships, vehicles Applications

Search, stable observation, targeting control Product Features

Image size:17um×17um Main parameters

Small unmanned vehicle optoelectronic podsSmall unmanned vehicle optoelectronic pod

Helicopter, UAV, unmanned airship Applications

Observation, tracking Product Features

Built-in 10x continuous zoom HD 108Op Main parameters

Vehicle mounted infrared photoelectric tracking system Vehicle-mounted infrared photoelectric tracking system

Day/night battlefield observation Applications

Detection, identification, discrimination Product Features

Stabilization accuracy:≤0.2mrad(1o) Main parameters

Vehicle mounted photoelectric monitoring and tracking systemVehicle-mounted photoelectric monitoring and tracking system

Military and civilian Applications

Video tracking function; Product Features

Rotation dedicated to the most angular speed:orientation:30~is Main parameters

Vehicle Mounted Optoelectronic PodsVehicle-mounted photoelectric pod

Military, public security, security Applications

Azimuth, elevation angle two-axis stabilization platform Product Features

640×512 Main parameters

JH602-300/75 alert tracking photoelectric systemJH602-300/75 vigilance tracking photoelectric system

Medium-sized vehicles Applications

Detection, identification, discrimination Product Features

Stabilization accuracy:0.2mrad(1 o) Main parameters

JH150 three-axis dual-light podJH150 three-axis dual-light pod

Environmental monitoring, flood prevention and disaster relief Applications

Tracking, temperature measurement function Product Features

Rotation range:Orientation:360° continuous rotation Main parameters

JH602-100 vehicle-mounted infrared photoelectric tracking systemJH602-100 vehicle infrared photoelectric tracking system

Nighttime vehicle navigation and warning Applications

Searching, observing, tracking Product Features

JH602-100 vehicle-mounted infrared photoelectricity Main parameters

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